Friday, 28 September 2012

Dungeons and toaster ovens


So my week has been relatively uneventful. Just school and hanging out with some people. Kind of boring actually. So this entry will probably be short ( I make no promises).

Class is class is class. Some of them are kind of boring, others interesting, the usual. I'm actually taking a fairly heavy workload for international students, so hopefully it all works out in the end. 

I found a pretty tasty take-out sushi place in Grenoble that's pretty cheap too. So that went down.

Two new people moved into my building, one from Belgium, the other Germany. They seem nice.

I finally figured out why the power kept going off in my room. The toaster oven. Every time I plugged it in, goodbye electricity (even though it's a French toaster oven that came with the room, so one would think it wouldn't do such a thing). So I guess I'm going to buy a converter or something that will lower the voltage flow....if that's possible. 

Oh and I burnt my finger pretty badly on said toaster oven. It's all blistery and swollen. I feel like a career criminal who burns off their finger prints so they can't be identified by the cops.

Last night (thursday 28th), I went with some friends to a discothèque called "La veille Manoir" (the old Manor). It was pretty fun, a lot of good music, a lot of people, no ventilation at all! It was honestly hard to breathe, it was so hot and hazy. The coolest thing though, was the sitting area. It was designed to look like a dungeon. Chains and all! I only got 3 hours of sleep that night as the tram stopped running and all my friends came to my place as we waited for the first tram of the morning (5 am).

Today I did laundry! It was about time too, I was getting down to my last pair of underwear.

Fun Facts/ tidbits/ etc... :

-OMG as I type this there is a wasp in my room!!!!! Waaaahhhhhhhh

-While clubs do have designated "smoking areas"they're just one side of a room, so the whole club smells like smoke anyway.

-Apparently if you so much as smile at a guy it means "come talk to me/ I wanna dance with you". This isn't really a joke. Because people don't really smile at strangers here (on the street, etc.), smiling at someone means you're interested. This has gotten me into some pickles.


  1. stop being so friendly Cayda. It's dangerous.

  2. I agree with Sarrah, you can't be so friendly. Loving the blogging tho, it's almost as if I am there with you!

  3. I am saddened by the thought of Canadian friendliness being taken in such a "perverted" manner! Please keep smiling as your smile is beautiful -- just avoid doing it with random french guys! I know you have met young men from other countries so I would recommend you smile at them so you don't lose practice ;)

    Hope your finger heals fast. I would kiss it better but alas Mommy is not there. :(

    Have a great weekend and we will speak with you on your birthday tomorrow.

    Mommy xox

  4. Hey there - Have I told you lately how much I love your blog and your sense of humour. Please never loose that part of you, nor your smile as your Mom so rightly states. Take care of that finger - I'm not sure if you can find it in France but look for "AmeriGel" wound dressing. It comes in a red and gray tube with some green on it. It is amazing for burns and minor cuts. A tid bit from Dr. Rubin (tee, hee). Have an amazing b-day Cayda - love you, keep smiling. oxox

  5. Hi Cayda
    Just wanted to wish you a very happy birthdya. or should I say bon fete. ( hope that's right!)
    Your blogs are great. There isn't too much that I read these days that actually put a smile on my face!
    Hope your birthday was super fun.
    I will raise a glass of vin rouge while sitting on my deck on the Riviera and thinking of your adventures!
    Love you
    Auntie Marilyn and Uncle Rick


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