Sorry it's been a week since my last post, my internet connection isn't totally stable and I've been super busy going to classes. So I'll do another day by day week summary:
*Important to know: International students at this point aren't registered for courses, we just go to which ever ones we like for 2 weeks then decide after. Although a good concept, it's really annoying in practice.
Mon 17th- First day of classes! So I was totally 20 minutes late for my first class. I had the time written down wrong and was forced to do the walk of shame to my seat in the big lecture hall. It was a sociology of family course and thankfully I understood what the prof was saying. I also went to a cinema class later that night. BORING! I shall not return.
Tues 18th- My friend Estelle and I went to a sociology of media class. Although interesting, the prof mumbled like mad and told us we have to write some really vague personal journal. I'm still going to register for it though, because it matches with a course back home. Afterward we went to a french class designed solely for international students (so easy!). I then went to a history class about the Enlightenment. Super embarrassing moment when the prof deduced that Estelle and I were international students, hesitated before giving us the textbook and said "You two sure you're coming back next week?" Oh that many shades of red my face became! We weren't planning on going back anyway, but still, seriously? In front of the entire class? Later that night I went to this history class about "modern" France taught in english by this American guy (Praise!). He was really funny and it was nice to actually fully understand a lecture.
Wed 19th- 8:30 am grammar class! Yippie! I also went to a history of greek religion class. I listened for the first 20 minutes, then doodled on my paper for the next 2 hours. Will not return. Later that night I wrote some stupid hour and a half french placement exam.
Thurs 20th- Woke up early and went to 2 markets with my friend Cara. One, we have lovingly named "Sketch market" as I believe all the vendors got their merchandise after it fell off a truck. The other a super cute food market! Later that day---Completely unknowingly, I signed up for a history of Grenoble class that goes on field trips!!! We actually go to museums and stuff during the 2 hour class! Some friends that I have met and I decided to make a "family dinner" at one of the residences that night. It took a while, but in the end we made pasta and melted fondue cheese on top of bread (kind of like poor student's stromboli).
Interesting Facts/ general annoyances/ awesome things:
-There are 2 types of men in Grenoble (or possibly all of France). Those who do not wear deodorant and those who bathe in cologne.
-There are coffee vending machine here! Sure it's not the best coffee/ latte ever, but for 50 centimes (0.5 euros) c'est géniale!
-The power in my room went out for 2 days and I was forced to get things done by the light of my one small scented candle. Next time on Survivor 1800s!
-The heel of my boot broke off, so I bought super glue at Sketch Market. Sadly, the tube exploded and I got some on my fingers. I spent the next day trying to rub it all off.
-I have met 2 different African men (on separate occasions) who initially told me they were from Norway, then laughed when I believed them. I mean they could be!!! Are there practically no black people in Norway?? I'm clearly not in on the joke.
Hey there Cayda. Well it definitely sounds like you are going to have a very interesting year. I'd sign up for a field trip course any day! It sounds like you are getting to know the "ins and outs" of being an international student. Really - no deodorant or bathed in cologne - too, too funny. Love the blog. Sending hugs your way. Love Auntie Franny oxox