Monday 8th: Um....went to class.
Tuesday 9th: Accidentally got the time wrong and missed a class...oops. Hung out with Camila and Estelle at Estelle's place. Plus the trams this week don't run past 8 pm, so I have to book it from my later classes so not to be forced to walk 30 min home in the dark.
Wednesday 10th: Early morning grammar class followed by unsuccessful trip to sketch market. A bunch of my friends and I met up, but by the time we got there (around 1 pm), people were closing up their sketchy windowless white pedo-vans. Instead we all ate shawarma and went to H&M.
*Very important side note* On Wednesday nights I have my other french language practice course. The week prior, I was pulled from one class and put into another. In said new class my teacher looked like Jude Law. I accepted my awesome fate. Horror of all horrors to come back this week to a new prof who is old and balding and does not look like anyone remotely attractive. God dammit France....god dammit.*
*Important other side not* My friend Camila, who is supposed to be in the class with me is now going back to her old class due to lack of Jude Law. Way to leave me alone. Por que Camila? Por que?
Thursday 11th: Today I had my first field trip for my "History of Grenoble" class. It was actually really cool. We went to the Archeological Museum of Grenoble (fo freeee!) and just had to look around for an hour or two. It was very interesting, the museum is built on top of a very old church (17th century old) and had a bunch of crypts and skeletons just laying about. Later that night I went out for pizza with some people for my friend Will's birthday.
Friday 12th: No class. Slept in. Met up with people, I think. I honestly don't remember what I did on friday (which would only mean I did nothing). I actually think I just sat and watched tv...can't remember. Friday night, however, I did hang out with people on residence. We all tried to go laser-tagging, but the place was booked so we ended up just playing King's cup and eating cheesy bread.
Saturday 13: Camila, Estelle, Krista, Emily, Will and I all took the train to Annecy. Again? I hear you say to your computer screen. Well, let me explain. Apparently once a year Annecy has a festival called the "Retour des Alpages". It dates back to when, during the fall, it got too cold for animals to stay outside on the mountains so the villagers walked them into town for the winter. Now its a huge folksy festival that ends in a parade through the town with animals.
I personally bought a pretty little painting of the town of Annecy to hang in my room. Once we arrived home from the festival I stayed at residence to watch a movie. Intending on taking the tram at 1 am, I found out that while the tram where I live goes until 1:45 am, the one on campus only runs until 12:50...oops. So Cayda had her first sleepover in Residence Ouest!
Sunday 14th: Didn't go to bed until 5 am, slept until noon. Well there goes my plans for a productive Sunday. Ate at "Quick" (the french equivalent of McDonalds or Burger King). It wasn't as good as I thought it would be. MacDo is better. After that, I planned on going to my little grocery store around the corner, which is one of the only ones open on Sundays. It was closed!!!! GAHHHHHH
Fun Facts:
-French buildings label their floors differently than we do in North America. Our 2nd floor is their first (they count the ground floor as "floor 0").
-Irish people have to mandatorily learn Gaelic in school (my friend Dom informed me of this).
-My room gets sooo humid that my veggies go mouldy after 2 days. Well there goes my dinner.
Annecy sounds so lovely. We are absolutely going there in March! Sounds like you are having a typical school experience -- class changes, boring lectures etc.. :)
Spain is the same with the labeling of floors. And I learned that too about the Irish lol. I'm surprised you didn't come back from the festival with a pug...