Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Silly cats, moustaches and ice skating


This weekend past was actually a lot of fun. What I thought was going to be a normal weekend turned out way way way better than I could have imagined.

On Friday, there was a local wine festival-testing-thing in Grenoble. A couple of my friends and I decided to go. While we did taste a lot of different regional wines, the owners of the vineyards didn't seem to pleased to be giving us samples (as we were clearly not going to buy loads of wine). I, however, did buy a really nice sparkling wine! I also confirmed what I already knew, dry white wine is the best. Fruity wine is plain disgusting.

Friday night started off with some tacos. I really love the family dinners we keep having. It's a lot of fun to cook with people and a good way to start off a night of hanging out. After much guacamole and tacos were consumed, we decided to make our way to the house warming party of one of our friends. Ironically, he had been living in the same apartment for almost 2 months now, but no matter. A party is a party.

The party was really fun. My friend and his roommates had just gotten a new little gray kitten named Jimmy. "Jimmy zee silly cat", actually. He is so tiny and adorable. A lot of my time was spent in his presence. One thing about that night is that there was a french-themed party going on as well, so many people had drawn black moustaches on to themselves, at this point and time, I decided against it.
Several hours later, and a bit more alcohol consumed, I wavered.

I was only really embarrassed sitting on the tram riding home with that ^ on my face. 

Saturday night was the Canadians time to shine. We went figure skating. Indoor figure skating (as the weather here is still in the low 20s, suckers). It only cost 3 euros too! 3 euros to rent skates and skate for 3 hours. I shall return. I did honestly have a lot of fun, and it did very much remind me of home. Plus its something I can do moderately well, so I looked like a pro in comparison to others. :P

Sunday was a day of work. I worked on a presentation I had to give on Tuesday and cleaned my room. I did go out for Kebabs for dinner though. I also had salted caramel haagen daaz. One way to make a boring day way better.

Fun facts/ General Annoyances:
-Kebab should be France's national dish. They love them over here, every other store is selling Kebab. It's a hollowed out loaf of bread with shawarma-like meat, lettuce, tomatoes, white sauce, etc...It is really delicious

-3 days before a huge national holiday, the trains went on strike. Why god why? I think I'm in luck, I think my train is still going. I'm praying my train is still going.

-Today I was standing in line to buy vegetables at a market. I was just about to put my tray on the weight, when a guy totally cuts in front of me and puts his on the weight first. No one says anything. I gave him a "I'm standing right here" look, and he totally ignored me. As did the cashier. Clearly I must have died and ghost me is invisible to all French people.

* It wasn't a mistake either, he totally knew I'd been waiting in line for 5 minutes*
** Photo cred goes to Krista and Emily-whose pictures I stole**


  1. Dry white wine -- just like your mummy! but as a reminder of your Grandpa and Nanna I will remind you of what they would say: White is what you drink when all the red is gone! (I on the other hand agree with you!)

    Glad you are having fun with your new friends. This is really what the year is all about (oh, and not flunking out as well!)

    As for the rude man and cashier - next time flash him your lovely smile and kindly explain to him in your beautiful french that he obviously has forgotten his glasses as you were in line before him and that you are certain he would not be so rude as to push in front of you if he had them with him!!! :) If that doesn't work - kick him in the shins and say "Nobody butts in front of Canadian Cayda!!! and "see I can be as pushy as you french!"

    I miss you very much my lovely girl <3 xoxox Mummy

  2. Kebab sounds delicioussss


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