Monday, 15 October 2012

The France Principle (a math problem)

Two random musings

A math problem: 

1. If the level of attractiveness among individuals is higher in France than in Canada does that mean that those who are normally deemed attractive are now merely mediocre? I feel as if people in Grenoble (not solely French but other international students) are generally good-looking. Does this result in a bar being raised? Are once deemed "beautiful" North-Americans now average? Are the plain horribly disfigured? I fear my self-esteem has been lowered while my expectations have been raised.

A want ad:  Plain Canadian seeking averagely attractive European.

*But seriously. It's something in the water, most people are good looking.

2. In France, people generally dress nicer than they do in Canada. Now fortunately I'm in Grenoble (which is a sporty city so people don't dress as ridiculously to the nines). Still, my clothes from Canada are not as fancy or "in style" as though of others around me.

The predicament: I only brought one suitcase with me to France, thinking I'd buy more clothes once I got here. Since arriving I have bought some sweaters and pants etc. The problem is that they are a bit fancier than the rest of my clothing. This results in me not having other clothes to match them with. This then results in my need to go out and buy more clothing or shoes. Seriously, I feel as if I need to constantly buy things to wear with the other things I just bought. Oh and btw, clothes in France are EXPENSIVE!!! I would like to buy a nicer pair of shoes to wear with my nice new pants, but I don't want to spend the money. Thus France has screwed me once again.


  1. people are prettier in Europe. No lie. It has to be the water (and/or the baguettes. either one)

  2. Hi Cayda

    You have nothing to worry about. The pictues you have posted show that you are definatley the prettiest as well as the most stylish! Now, I am NOT just saying that because I am your Aunt!! Your post reads like something out of Sex and the City. Carrie Bradshaw would be proud!


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